Sexy members on a hookup site (like this one) is what you want right?
You can’t get new members if you don’t have existing members.
But how can you have existing members if you’re just starting out?
When you start up a website, there are no members yet; it’s an empty website.
So, to jumpstart the process, a lot of online entrepreneurs stock their websites with fake profiles.
The whole idea is for these fake profiles to attract enough real people, and then these fake profiles would be deleted.
Sadly, the vast majority of dating sites out there never get around to deleting their fake profiles.
Their databases are full of non-existent people.
As a result, they operate like scams because you can’t get a date with a non-existent person listed in their database no matter how hard you try.
If you don’t want to get scammed by a fake online dating site, pay attention to the following factors.
– Cookie-Cutter Systems
The first giveaway is the design and layout of the website.
If you notice that the website is an exact clone of another dating site, then chances are it’s a fake site.
It’s not always the case, but your chances of being scammed are quite high if the operator of the website did not even bother to invest in an original design
– Fake Profiles
Fake profiles are actually very easy to spot.
Just look at the pictures or read the text.
If the text looks like it was written by a software or has lots of copy-and-paste segments, then you’re dealing with a fake website.
If you look at the pictures that go with the profiles and you recognize celebrities or adult entertainment stars, chances are you’re looking at fake profiles.
Which means that the website is very likely fake and a scam site.
If you don’t want to be victimized, pay attention to the factors above.
It’s very easy to spot scams; it doesn’t take much effort.
Yet, too many guys get ripped off because they get so excited about the whole idea of joining sex hookup sites that they lose their common sense.
A little bit of scepticism, a little bit of healthy suspicion, goes a long way.
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