She might look innocent, but every teen girl has a pussy cat inside them that craves giving a special someone the catch scratch fever!
It is no wonder that girls take a long time in the bathroom. They have lots of items in there to experiment sexually with. Most girls try rubbing on a bar of soap and find out that it irritates the hell out of their tender pussy skin. Some find that some bottles of shampoo can fit into their pussies, while others find them way too big for their tight slits to handle. Then there is the clitoral masturbation thing!
I’ve had many girlfriends tell me they have masturbated by running their bathtub faucet water over their clits. Some even say it is the best way to orgasm. Even better than sex! One girl in particular relayed to me that while she did this she was thinking of another girl licking her pussy that she was actively experimenting with. She stated that she still thinks about her fifteen years later!
Ever went to use your toothbrush and it smells funny? Was it one of those vibrating numbers? It smells odd because your girlfriend turned it on and used it on her clit! This method is quickly becoming the most often used method by girls who are just beginning to experiment with sex!
Other notables are brush handles, doubled up tampon insertions tubes, curling irons, dad’s (vibrating) electric razor, toothbrush cases, tampon cases, the list goes on and on!
Watch Ariel Rebel experiment and have teen sex. As a member you get access to her friends like Ariel Rebel and Kristina Fey. There are over 80 sites and each one of them is full fledged and self contained. These are not feeds or some other form of bullshit!